May 1, 2020 | New Editions
Announcing the release of four new editions of Gem Trek maps: Canadian Rockies Map (12th edition), Southwest Alberta and Southeast British Columbia Map (7th edition), Southwest British Columbia and Northern Washington Map (4th edition) and Lake O’Hara Map (5th...Mar 2, 2020 | Gem Trek History, Map Production
The first map published by Gem Trek was Kananaskis Lakes in 1991. It was a manually-drafted 1:50,000-scale topographic map based on topographical information found on National Topographic System (NTS) maps produced by the Canadian Government. These maps, while...Jun 16, 2019 | New Editions
Announcing the release of two new editions of Gem Trek maps: Canmore and Kananaskis Village (7th edition) and Kananaskis Lakes (7th edition), which were printed on waterproof and tear-proof paper by the Burke Group in Edmonton. The cartography update for both maps was...Apr 26, 2019 | Map Production
We recently did a Kananaskis Maps press check for the Canmore and Kananaskis Village and Kananaskis Lakes maps at the Burke Group for new editions. Burke has been printing most of our waterproof maps for many years, and so it was good to visit with them and see the...Feb 26, 2019 | Gem Trek History
Click here for the early history of Gem Trek Maps (Part 1). Gem Trek Publishing was founded by Donna and Roger Nelson in 1991. Here is the second part of the Gem Trek story. By the mid-1990s, Gem Trek maps had a wide following in the Canadian Rockies, especially among...